Liberating the Guardian Angel

Liberating the Guardian Angel

Between the angelic nature, which is an intellectual thing, and the human soul there is no step, but they are both almost continuous in the order of gradation. … Thus we are to suppose and firmly to believe, that a man may be so noble, and of such lofty condition, that he shall be almost an angel. ~ Dante, Convivio, VII. 3

Nearly all that has been said theologically of the angels can be said metaphysically of the superior states of the being, just as in the astrological symbolism of the Middle Ages the ‘heavens’, that is to say the various planetary and stellar spheres, represent these same states and also the initiatic degrees to which their realization corresponds ~ Rene Guenon, Multiple States of Being

In flowing and running water, in mists dissolving into water, also in the winds and the lightning flashing through the air, in all these, you have to look for the physical body of Angelic beings. The difficulty for man consists in his fixed idea that a physical body must necessarily have a definite outline. It is difficult for a man to say to himself: I see fog rising, I see a stream of water dissolving into spray, I stand in the blowing wind, I see lightning dart from the clouds, and I know that all these are revelations of Angels; behind this physical body, which is by no means so limited as the human one I have to recognise the spirit. ~ Rudolf Steiner, The Spiritual Hierarchies

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The Lotus Flowers

The Lotus Flowers

The lotus flowers, or chakras, are the 7 spiritual organs of the etheric body. As such, they are not created by the physical body. Their real essence originates from primal thoughts, the power of the father. The 7 seals of the Apocalypse represent the 7 lotus flowers.

The method for the development of the lotus flowers differs between Eastern teachings and Western esoterism. The former method aims at awakening the chakras, such as they are, from the lowest to the highest by vibrating certain sounds, or mantras. The latter method aims at the Christianisation of the centres, thereby changing their very nature, by a process of descent.

The seven I-am sayings are the mantras for this process (see Chart below).
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Protection Meditation

Protection Meditation

And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. ~ John 1:5

The failure to harmonize the three soul functions opens one up to lower influences. Specifically, these are:

  1. Those who base themselves on thinking alone or primarily on thinking, will become detached from conscience and will; they will become the prey of Lucifer. They will be easily seduced by ideas of grandeur.
  2. When feelings predominate, Ahriman steps into the shadow of the Luciferic spasms. The fall into Ahriman’s kingdom takes place in this way. They become hypnotized and are prey to propaganda and deceit
  3. In the case of gut vision, one becomes the prey of Asura. The stomach, the intestines, and the genitals, figuratively speaking, become independent. They develop a separate I of the body that makes it impossible to become a real person.

The Our Father prayers is intended to prevent the 6-petaled sacral chakra from absorbing these forces. However, for most people this prayer only reaches down to the heart, 12-petaled, chakra. This protects the head, but below that, there is still darkness and unconsciousness.
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Harmonious Development

Harmonious Development

People of the Future

There are two main lines of possible development:

  • People of the present, whose foundation is the 10-petalled lotus (the solar plexus) as well as research in science and humanities.
  • People of the Future, whose Soul foundation is the 6-petalled lotus (the sacral), develops with regard to the task of karmic research.

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Tomberg’s Teaching on the Chakras

Tomberg’s Teaching on the Chakras

Just over two years ago, an anonymous source sent me two large binders filled with loose leaf pages of revelations from Willi Seiß, founder of the Free Hermetic Christian Study Center. The text is title Chakra Werk. I was asked to do something with the Work. There was a period of time necessary to absorb the texts. And then, for the past year, I have been recovering from a health problem and am only just now regaining full strength, allowing me to return to these texts.

Seiß was an independent Anthroposophist who was concerned to protect and promulgate the works of Valentin Tomberg through the Achamoth Press. Achamoth Press has provided a valuable service in making Tomberg’s Our Father Course available in both German and English editions. Chakra Work is currently available only in German. Although the group that continues Seiss’ work is rather closed, it was never Willi’s intention to keep the texts private. Just the opposite. The text is available to anyone. The loose leaf pages imply that the work will be ongoing, simply because (as he writes) evolution, or spiritual realization, is incomplete.
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