Demonic Possession

Demonic Possession

The Fall introduced distortions into the three functions of the soul: Thinking, Feeling, Willing. The centre of gravity fell from the Real I to the I of the personality. The function of meditation is to restore the proper functioning of the functions. In a series of lectures published as Inner Development, Valentin Tomberg describes the effects of meditation:

The general effect of meditation consists in the fact that what is spiritual in a human being descends. That is, the superconsciousness — the higher I — descends into the human personality, and the angel sends down the helping stream of his illumination in the form of “washing of the feet.” Just as Christ bowed down before his disciples and washed their feet, so in every meditation the angel bows down and washes the feet of the meditator.
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Members of the Crew

Members of the Crew

The first and fundamental principle of esoterism (i.e. of the way of experience of the reality of the spirit) can be rendered by the formula:

Learn at first concentration without effort; transform work into play; make every yoke that you have accepted easy and every burden that you carry light! ~ Valentin Tomberg, Meditations on the Tarot

Here we have a definition and a principle. Esoterism is the “way of the experience of the reality of the spirit”. Hence, there can be no ultimate “esoteric interpretation” of a text if by that is meant a verbal formulation. In spiritual works, there are four levels of interpretation:
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Secret, Arcanum, Mystery

Secret, Arcanum, Mystery

Hermetism makes sharp distinctions between three closely related ideas:

  • Secretum (secret)
  • Mysterium (mystery)
  • Arcanum


A secret is a fact, procedure, practice, or doctrine which a number of men agree to hide. There is no inner transformation required to know a secret. I can tell you where the treasure is buried; you can then find it and remain the same person you were before. A secret is hidden in the darkness.
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The Lotus Flowers

The Lotus Flowers

The lotus flowers, or chakras, are the 7 spiritual organs of the etheric body. As such, they are not created by the physical body. Their real essence originates from primal thoughts, the power of the father. The 7 seals of the Apocalypse represent the 7 lotus flowers.

The method for the development of the lotus flowers differs between Eastern teachings and Western esoterism. The former method aims at awakening the chakras, such as they are, from the lowest to the highest by vibrating certain sounds, or mantras. The latter method aims at the Christianisation of the centres, thereby changing their very nature, by a process of descent.

The seven I-am sayings are the mantras for this process (see Chart below).
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Conscious Participation in World Events

Conscious Participation in World Events

Wisdom has built her house, she has set up her seven pillars. (Proverbs IX.1)

High Priestess

The Bateleur represents Unity, which transcends thought, desire, volition, that is, the entire world process. It represents Intuition, mystical awareness, or a cognition beyond discursive thought. This “first act of intelligence” is a gift of the Spirit, who blows he wills, so it is not the customary way we know.

In ordinary life, to know is to be conscious of something, so duality arises, represented by the High Priestess. This “other” is the reflection of Spirit, represented by Water. This is the feminine principle, the Divine Sophia, which builds the house of Being. Thus, everything in the world of form is actually the symbol or “signature” of Transcendence, in the words of Schwaller de Lubicz.
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